Captains Captions
Sylvester Olofio and Ella Wilson

October 25, 2022
The TJ Chronicle is running a segment for the fall semester named “Captains Captions.” Each month, reporters will be interviewing Captains from different fall sports teams and understanding the leadership they possess, and how they lead their teams.
Varsity football captain, Sylvestre Olofio was asked how he feels about team chemistry this year to which he paused and stated “I feel our team chemistry is way better than last year, there’s more teammates interacting with each other, more communication to coaches and other teammates, and lots more commitment.” When asked if “commitment” was an issue in the previous years, “Sly” responded and said “Commitment was most definitely an issue last year, people were quitting the team and not willing to put in the work.” Sylvestre was also asked how he as a captain leads his team and keeps morale high to which he responded with a smile and said “I lead my team as being the “energy” guy and the hype man. Trying to stay positive throughout some of the bad plays and encouraging the good plays.” Sylvestre was asked a follow up question regarding how he feels team chemistry could improve to which he paused and stated “I feel like more team dinners, more team activities and group meetings could greatly improve chemistry as it would allow for teammates to get to know each other on a deeper level.”
Varsity soccer captain Ella Wilson was asked similar questions to those of Sylvestre. When asked how team chemistry looks this year for varsity soccer, Ella replied “Team chemistry is definitely something we have improved upon since last year.” She continues, “We are a new, team with lots of upcoming underclassmen however team bonding has been improved through bonding exercises.” When asked if team chemistry was a problem last year Ella stated “No, but we weren’t as close as a team as we were last year, and there was a lack of trust in prior years that now seems to have been solved.”
When Ella was asked how she personally leads her team she stated she leads her team by “Making sure everyone is ready and prepared for practices and games, along with taking care of equipment and players needs.” The final question Ella was asked is what she feels could be done to improve the chemistry amongst the team to which she responded “We all should be taking more responsibility for ourselves and for our actions. Instead of relying on the freshmen to take the water and the gear, everyone should step up and take care of it.”
Next month, reporters plan to interview Captains of the Field Hockey Team and the Boys Varsity Soccer team.