The Best Buddies program at TJ is in partnership with Best Buddies International, a worldwide non profit

organization that promotes social integration for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
On October 18th, the GTJHS Best Buddies club added color to the Rock Creek Recreation Center’s Trick or Treat event held exclusively for children and up with special needs. The event was held from 3:30-5:30 PM where the Best Buddies club along with other local organizations such as the Frederick County Public Libraries set up candy stations for the many eager trick-or-treaters. The Best Buddies club in particular was decked in Candy Land extravaganza and entertained the over 50 children and their families.

Best Buddies Officers and staff dressed up to match their sweet theme, and spread their advocacy to all who were present.

Much laughter filled the area as children energetically moved from station to station, while amused with colorful costumes and candy selections. The Best Buddies Club sees this event as a representation of the beautiful possibilities that are sparked by students and children with special needs.
This is one of the first events on the Best Buddies club calendar, and they are thrilled to unfold their future events with the goal to promote awareness and student connections here at TJ.
A special thanks goes out to all the TJ staff who donated candy for the Best Buddies table and to all the students and staff who provided decoration material.

(Rashely Rodrigo)