Senior Week: Only For Seniors?
April 6, 2023
A lot of students may have certain opinions about underclassmen going to a senior celebration this summer called ¨sweek¨. Some senior students do not like the fact that underclassmen are coming to spend the week with graduating seniors. Most seniors that go to senior week are already 18 they can do more adulting things and if you are not 18 and you are below the age you can not really do anything fun wise with seniors.
We interviewed some seniors as one of them was senior Lyndsey Brown. She is on the side not letting underclassmen come to senior week with us graduated seniors. Here is what Lyndsey had to say about it. The question was ¨How do you feel about underclassmen coming to senior week with us?¨ ¨I feel like for juniors to come with us is a little hectic because we already have stuff going on with them. We had the powderpuff game going on with them and we had a prom. For senior week it’s our last week all together as a senior class and so it’s kinda hard to spend like that last time with just your class when you have the class below you there as well.¨ Lyndsey made very strong points in her answer. On how seniors only have senior week to be with their senior class friends before everyone leaves for college. It’s hard when underclassmen are there as well when they truly do not have any business being there.

Our next student was a junior who is probably going to senior week with seniors. Here was her question ¨why are you coming to senior week as a junior?¨ ¨I might be going to senior week. I have not decided yet. I was invited by my friends and I’m strictly going to help take care of my friends as they have a fun time and to see what it’s about.¨ Regan Warsing had a reasonable response. She’s going to take care of her friends that need it. Regan wants to go see what senior week is about and see if she’s willing to go her senior year which is next year. It’s not very smart for Regan to go as a junior because hopefully this will not happen to her but if she gets in trouble with the law she will have to make her parents drive 4 hours to her and take her home. But as a senior if you get in trouble with the law you will suffer the consequences and have to figure it out, which is a pretty good life lesson. They won’t have to make their guardian drive 4 hours.
The next student is a senior named Ashton Kirkland his question was ¨Should juniors wait their turn and not come to senior with the graduated seniors.¨ ¨I mean I think so because the purpose of it is to go with your like graduating class to go have fun. So I don’t think juniors should come but again it’s up to them if they really want to do that then I don’t care.¨ Aston makes it very clear that he really doesn’t care if underclassmen go to celebrate with us seniors. He’s implying that it’s not going to affect us but there are already a lot of people going and having underclassmen join us is so much more people that already are going. Most seniors do not care if juniors come with but realistically they should care because there will just be less room and just more unnecessary for people going.

Our last and final student is Kyle Bumgardner and he talks about his experience being invited to senior week as a junior last year. ¨So last year I was really good friends with a group of seniors last year and I hung out with them and they decided to invite me to senior week unfortunately it did not go out as planned so I did not go.¨ Kyle was invited by last year’s seniors to senior week and he was a junior. The thing is if a group of seniors go to senior week and they invite you because you are in their friend group that’s fine. But if you are a junior going to senior week with your friends then there is no point. It is pointless because you are wasting your time and money when you can just wait till next year. You are saving yourself the time, money, and gas. Imagine if Kyle Bumgarder would have gone to senior week it would not have been good. Who knows what would have happened to him if he was a minor. It was good that Kyle did not end up going for the sake of himself and he saved himself a lot.
At the end of the article it shows that some seniors care about juniors coming to senior week and others do not care. From the article it shows some reasons why juniors should stay home and let the seniors have the last week with their graduating class. Most 18 year olds are not mature enough to go spend a week alone with friends. It really is based on the maturity level that 18 year olds have. Imagine if 17 year old juniors come to senior week it makes it more visible that people are not mature enough. The amount of money you have to spend on senior week and most juniors do not have the money but as a senior you have a more of a stable job and can pay for your stuff on your own. Juniors and seniors need to be responsible for who is going to senior week.