Opinion: Evaluating TJ’s Safety

May 15, 2023
Recent mass shootings across the United States have sparked a nationwide conversation about the safety and security of schools. As students and staff at Governor Thomas Johnson High School reflect on this issue, it is essential to consider the unique challenges and perspectives of our school community.
Matthew Gartrell, a teacher at Governor Thomas Johnson High School, feels that the risk is not only high for our school, but for “every school as well,” He also commended the school’s efforts in treating people who are different, stating, “The school does a good job treating people who are different… I feel that some students do go through hard situations, although due to underlying causes.” He further emphasized that although the risk of an incident happening is high, being close to buildings like the sheriff’s department eases concerns, and he has “nothing but high regard for the staff” in their efforts to protect students. Mr. Gartrell also acknowledged that, while fights may occur, the school’s urban location plays a role, stating, “This is a large inner-city school, they’re bound to happen eventually.”
Alex Angulo, a student at Governor Thomas Johnson High School, expressed confidence in the school’s safety measures, stating, “I don’t think the school is a big risk. I enjoy being in the school and around others.”
This sentiment was echoed by Emile Heskey, another student, who stated, “I’ve experienced some difficulties but nothing to discourage me.” Heskey also stressed the need for security at sporting events and games, emphasizing that safety measures should be implemented universally.
As we examine the risks of school shootings, it is crucial to acknowledge the efforts of Governor Thomas Johnson High School in ensuring the safety of its students and staff. Despite the challenges posed by its urban location, the school has implemented measures such as extra officers on sight, and has a dedicated staff that works towards creating an inclusive and safe environment for all. However, it is also important to remain vigilant and continuously assess and improve safety protocols to address any potential risks.